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Kormányfej és kiegészít?k


kormányfej kiegészít?k

Korm.csap. Hézagoló szett (2db x 10mm 2db x 5mm) Reverse Alu-Ultra Light 1 1/8 világoskék


Az ár megtekintéséhez, kérem jelenkezzen be.
Product information "Single Speed Kit 13T"

The Reverse Components single-speed conversion kit allows you to convert your conventional hub with a Shimano-HG freewheel body to a single-speed drive.
Thanks to the seven different spacers, the cog can be optimally positioned on the freewheel body to guarantee a straight chain line.

The Reverse single speed cog comes with an extra wide flange of 7 mm, which improves the power transmission gently to the freewheel body. The common width of the flange is only 2.8 mm, which can cut into the softer aluminium freewheels easily, which can lead to permanent damage to freewheel body! The 7 mm width Reverse Cog reduces this possibility.
Other cog sizes (13-18 and 20 teeth) are available separately!

- For Shimano HG
- Flange: 7 mm
- Cog: 13T
- Tooth thickness: 1.8 mm
- Weight: 49 g (+/- 5% weight tolerance)
- 7 spacers included
- Lock ring in matching color
- Compatible: 1 by 11-speed chains (1/8" or 3/32" chains)

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Product information "Single Speed Kit 13T"

The Reverse Components single-speed conversion kit allows you to convert your conventional hub with a Shimano-HG freewheel body to a single-speed drive.
Thanks to the seven different spacers, the cog can be optimally positioned on the freewheel body to guarantee a straight chain line.

The Reverse single speed cog comes with an extra wide flange of 7 mm, which improves the power transmission gently to the freewheel body. The common width of the flange is only 2.8 mm, which can cut into the softer aluminium freewheels easily, which can lead to permanent damage to freewheel body! The 7 mm width Reverse Cog reduces this possibility.
Other cog sizes (13-18 and 20 teeth) are available separately!

- For Shimano HG
- Flange: 7 mm
- Cog: 13T
- Tooth thickness: 1.8 mm
- Weight: 49 g (+/- 5% weight tolerance)
- 7 spacers included
- Lock ring in matching color
- Compatible: 1 by 11-speed chains (1/8" or 3/32" chains)
- Material: Aluminium (Spacer) / Steel (Cog)

- Extra wide flange on the cog (7 mm) : Allows better power transmission to the freewheel body
- 7 spacers for setting the perfect chain line (2 x 10 mm, 1 x 5 mm, 4 x 3 mm)




Új termékek

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Mellény Santini NEBULA szél fluonarancs S
Mellény Santini NEBULA PURO szél fluonarancs S 2W54275NEBULAPURO-FLUOORANGE-S_RME
Mellény Santini NEBULA PURO szél fluonarancs S
Mellény Santini NEBULA  PURO női granatina S 2W542L75NEBULOPURO-GRANATINA-S_RME
Mellény Santini NEBULA PURO női granatina S
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Kabát Santini NEBULA  PURO szél granatina XS 2W332L75NEBULOPURO-GRANATINA-XS_RME
Kabát Santini NEBULA PURO szél granatina XS
Aláöltöző Santini LIEVE női pink XS BW65GLLLIEVE-PINK-XS_RE
Aláöltöző Santini LIEVE női pink XS
Aláöltöző Santini LIEVE női fehér XS BW65GLLLIEVE-WHITE-XS_RE
Aláöltöző Santini LIEVE női fehér XS
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Sapka Santini nyári piros/fekete 2S460COTKINE-RS-UNI_RSK
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Sapka Santini nyári fehér/fekete 2S460COTKINE-BI-UNI_RSK
Sapka Santini nyári fehér/fekete
Mez Santini SLEEK DINAMO zöld S
Mez Santini COLOR PURO fluozöld S
Kesztyű Santini RAGGIO silver bullet S 1S367CLRAGGI-SILVERBULLET-S_RSK
Kesztyű Santini RAGGIO silver bullet S
Kesztyű Santini MTB  fekete S SP593CLMTB-BLACK-S_RSK
Kesztyű Santini MTB fekete S
Kesztyű Santini MTB  fekete M SP593CLMTB-BLACK-M_RSK
Kesztyű Santini MTB fekete M
Kesztyű Santini ISTI királykék S 1S367CL+ISTI-ROYALBLUE-S_RSK
Kesztyű Santini ISTI királykék S
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Szerszám Unior 1617/2DP-US (18), egyoldalas kónuszkulcs (624925) 624925_SZER
Szerszám Unior 1617/2DP-US (18), egyoldalas kónuszkulcs (624925)
Szerszám Unior 1617/2DP-US (23), egyoldalas kónuszkulcs (624924) 624965_SZER
Szerszám Unior 1617/2DP-US (23), egyoldalas kónuszkulcs (624924)
Sponser Energy Balls energia golyók 45gr. mangó 15043_ET
Sponser Energy Balls energia golyók 45gr. mangó
Sponser Energy Balls energia golyók 45gr. áfonya  15041_ET
Sponser Energy Balls energia golyók 45gr. áfonya
Úszódressz Santini MAUI fluozöld XS 1T1400--SLEEKMAUI-FLUO GREEN-XS_RE
Úszódressz Santini MAUI fluozöld XS
Mez Santini MAUI ujjatlan teal S 1T65GLLSLEEKMAUI-TEAL-S_RME
Mez Santini MAUI ujjatlan teal S
Mez Santini MAUI ujjatlan teal M 1T65GLLSLEEKMAUI-TEAL-M_RME
Mez Santini MAUI ujjatlan teal M
Mez Santini MAUI ujjatlan granatina S 1T65GLLSLEEKMAUI-S_RME
Mez Santini MAUI ujjatlan granatina S

Ajánlott termékek


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